Why Electrochemistry?

benefits of electrochemistry

RenewCO₂’s eCUT-MEG process is the only cost-effective and carbon-negative electrochemical technology to produce monoethylene glycol (MEG) from CO₂. 

Electrochemical processes allow reactions to happen at particular voltages, and eCUT ensures that the products made from carbon dioxide will be highly selective. Electrochemical processes are inherently modular, so eCUT processes are effective solutions for varying applications. The eCUT processes are also more energy efficient because our patented catalyst lowers the energy barrier for these reactions.


How does RenewCO₂’s Ecut-MEG work?

In the current industrial process to make polyester, carbon dioxide emissions are released as a byproduct of the reaction. This carbon dioxide is of high purity, which makes it optimal to use for eCUT. 

  1. Carbon dioxide enters the electrolyzer along with water, and the reactor is powered by electricity.

  2. At the cathode inside the electrolyzer, carbon dioxide is reduced to an organic monomer, like monoethylene glycol (MEG). Our patented catalyst accelerates this reaction with lower required energy and ensures that there is high selectivity for the desired organic monomer product. 

  3. At the anode, water is oxidized to pure oxygen. 

  4. The membrane between the electrodes facilitates ion transport in an optimal process. 

  5. The organic monomer and oxygen products are collected as outputs of the reactor. 

  6. The organic monomer product is purified through an electrodeionization process.

  7. The organic monomer can then directly be used in existing industrial processes for carbon negative manufacturing.